BAE SYSTEMS – Future Vehicles

Animation of future defence vehicles.


The Raider is a concept multi-purpose vehicle designed to carry various payloads.


The Wraith is an “invisible” vehicle concept.


High tech military vehicles will be used in the future for emerging applications, either manned or unmanned. BAE Systems, which has a longstanding relationship with Optima, approached the team to deliver concepts for several of these vehicles that will have a variety of deployment roles.


Optima were selected for this project for not only being a highly creative design team but also due to its successful previous experience in other BAE and defence projects.


The resulting concepts were animated providing a visual representation of how the vehicles will be used in realistic environments. This combination of practical solutions with the vision of future technologies and capabilities helped deliver a successful set of solutions.


“BAE Systems have been working with Optima for over 15 years on a multitude of projects in different divisions of the company. They have been able to offer a wide range of services including training, engineering design and analysis.

“Working on the Future Protected Vehicle programme Optima were able to work alongside BAE Systems to generate and develop vehicle concepts including amazing visualisations and animations used in many of our presentations and further vehicle analysis.

“Working to extremely tight project deadlines Optima were able to deliver everything we asked and exceeded our expectations.”

BAE Systems

Services Used

Concept Generation

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Product Rendering

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